Instant Alerts

Changing Your Phone Number

Having an accurate and up-to-date list of contacts on your account is one of the most effective ways to reunite you with your lost pet the fastest.

If any of your contacts need to have their information updated, here are the simple steps required to make any necessary changes:

Log into your owner dashboard

Head over to our Login Page and log in using the Magic Link which is sent to your registered email inbox.

Head over to Account Settings

If you are on a mobile deivce, scroll to the bottom of the dashboard and click "Update Information". If you're on desktop, click on your email in the top-right-hand corner, then select "Account Settings".

Find the contact who needs updating

Once you have found the contact that needs to have their information updated, you can click the pencil to the right of their name.

Make the required changes

Now you can make any changes that you wish. Please be sure to double-check what has been entered.

Save your changes

Finally, make sure you save the changes you have made.